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Session formats:


We invite research and position papers that challenge current assumptions and provoke conference participants to think creatively about issues of identity, agency, and culture in academic libraries. These presentations may report the results of completed research, describe research in progress, or present a position on a compelling problem or issue relevant to one or more of the conference tags. The presentation should be delivered in about 30 minutes, to leave time for Q&A.


Panel sessions bring together the perspectives of at least two (2) presenters into a cohesive conversation of the conference theme. Lasting 50 minutes (including time for Q&A), these sessions are intended to engage audience members in thinking about or participating in discussions surrounding the multiple perspectives presented.

Facilitated roundtable discussion:

Roundtables are small, informal group discussions that give attendees the opportunity to exchange information, discuss best practices, and network with others around common themes and issues. Discussion facilitators should identify and develop a topic that will allow participants to discuss how they are dealing with specific issues at their libraries.  Roundtable discussions are 50 minutes and are limited to approximately twenty individuals per table, including participants and facilitator(s).  Individuals submitting roundtable proposals should address the topics to be covered and three questions they would use to keep the discussion moving.

Lightning talk session

The goal of lightning talks is to articulate a topic in a quick, insightful, and clear manner. These concise and efficient talks are intended to grab the attention of the audience. Each talk is 10 minutes, with three presenters per session, organized by related themes or perspectives.

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